- Personal reflections and photos displaying the Christian journey
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mercy Me is a contemporary Christian music group. Their song, "I Can Only Imagine" has brought me to tears many times as I pondered my loved ones' eternal experience as well as my own.
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for You, Jesus
Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine...

published: 10:53 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The room was very crowded. Between three and four hundred people were standing, facing a group of singers and instrumentalists on a stage. A small rock concert? No. A charity benefit? No. It was the final praise gathering of a local Christian camp after several days of retreat and seclusion to focus on God.
As the band played, the students sang and jumped. With syncronized uniformity, they used identical motions they had learned to accentuate the lyrics of the songs. As I stood near the back, I noticed a very tall young man in front of me. He was about 6 foot, four inches tall, about 17 years old and built like a football player. Since I am quite short, he towered above me.
During the singing time, an even TALLER man with gray hair and a gray beard entered the room and stood beside this student. It was obvious to me that this was probably a father and son. As the service progressed, the older man tried to do all the motions, even though it was apparent that he had not seen them before. Many times, the son would look over to him and smile or slap him lightly on the shoulder. After being away from each other for several days, they were glad to be in each other's presence again, and praising God together. It was a wonderful, touching sight for me to behold.
I couldn't help myself--when the service ended, I asked the man if he was indeed the father. He was. We talked briefly about the encounter I had just witnessed. When I mentioned the movements to the songs he had so willingly attempted (and did I mention that the band was so loud you could hardly hear yourself talk?) he replied, "It's more of his style than mine."
What an example to me of becoming all things to all people in order to further the kingdom of God. If this tall, muscular man could come into a jam packed room of jumping youth and join his son in a declaration of praise that involved loud music and unfamiliar motion patterns, should I do anything less? He was meeting his son where he was in his walk with God, and encouraging his relationship with His heavenly Father. In so doing, he was securing a bond with his son that would not easily be broken. You could see the love between these two as they worshiped together.
May I never forget that God allowed me to view this encounter. I know I wasn't standing there by accident. It's as if God could have spoken to me and said, "Watch this."
Loud music? Sure. Silly video? Let's see it. Invite your friends for a sleep over and devotion time? .....Yes.
What joy will I have in my heart to know when my children are old, they have not departed from their faith in our everlasting Father.

published: 01:57 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Monday, June 16, 2008
Suppose you were to win a grand prize sweepstakes this month. Five days on a luxurious cruise ship; all expenses paid. You and your family redeem your winning status and enjoy a wonderful time basking in the sun, dining under the stars and visiting exotic islands along the way. It was all free---or was it?
Someone had to pay. It was given to you at no charge, but yet the resources you enjoyed were purchased somehow. It was freely given for you to experience, however, there was a price.
Jesus paid the price for our admittance into Heaven when He willingly chose to die in our place on the cross. We must "drink of the water of life" that He offers us and accept His gift of eternal life--all expenses paid--by Him.

published: 08:17 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Sunday, June 15, 2008
It was raining lightly. The temperature was mild. Since it was Father's Day, my husband decided he would choose a place to spend some time together with me and our youngest son. He chose a familiar lakeside park. With the overcast sky, the water was transformed into a sea of brown. The squirrels scampered from tree to tree. The water birds flew effortlessly from one destination to the other. As tiny droplets fell softly on the lush foliage, life was continuing it's unhurried pace among the creatures who called the waterfront home.
Our son wanted to venture out onto the docks. Just dad and boy, they walked above the calm movement of the water surrounding them, creating a simple memory that would exist beyond the passing of the moment.
As parents, we invest our lives into our children; teaching them, protecting them and admonishing them toward faith in God. It is a worthy task, one with eternal reward.

published: 11:35 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today, I witnessed a rare and beautiful thing--a change of heart and attitude in another's life. An answer to something that I had prayed about for quite a long time was unmistakably present. Though not in complete fullness of everything I'd hoped for, I knew God was working in a wonderful way toward the fulfillment of my prayer. As I began to understand what God had begun, I was filled with gratitude over the realization of what was transpiring. I know so very little. God knows so very much. He knows the avenues that lead to understanding. He knows the specific route needed in order for us to arrive at a particular spiritual destination. God's wisdom is perfect and His love for us is......everlasting.

published: 09:11 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Friday, June 13, 2008
When someone or something "rules," what does that mean to you? I think of the king of the jungle ruling, or being the strongest of the animals. Winning sports teams may boast of "ruling."
The dictionary defines rule in several ways. Two of the definitions stood out:
1. | "the customary or normal circumstance, occurrence, manner, practice, quality, etc.: the rule rather than the exception." |
2. | "control, government, or dominion" |
If the peace of Christ is to rule in our hearts, should this peace be a normal occurrence of our day to day living? Should this peace that only Jesus can give control and govern my heart?
Help us, Lord, to have calmed hearts, filled with Your peace.

published: 06:16 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

published: 09:57 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A man from whom Jesus had cast out demons begged to go with Him as He was leaving the city. Jesus told him to "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." What do you suppose that man did? He obeyed.
Luke 8:39b says, "So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."
What has Jesus done for me? If I wrote a book in effort to list it all, it would be incomplete; for by the time of printing, He would have done more. We are blessed with the magnificent love of God. I have a story to tell. Do you?

published: 09:58 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Monday, June 09, 2008
What do you think of when you hear the word burden? One thing that comes to my mind is an animal with traveling bags placed securely on its back. Another thought might be the mountain climber with a huge and bulging backpack strapped on tightly. Both scenarios have something in common--weight. Uncomfortable weight.
What if there were two animals to carry the load instead of one? A second adventurous companion to shoulder the needed supplies for the climb? What a difference it would make!
I don't have to look very far into my past in order to find the memory of someone coming alongside me at a time when the heaviness of life was a difficult weight to bear. In fact, throughout the years there have been so many people who have helped me carry my load. Some were my friends; others I hardly knew, yet they willingly came to my aid.
In each instance, I feel that God was caring for me through the loving help of each individual. Think back---who were the people that God placed in your life to help you bear your burdens? Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ."

published: 07:40 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Sunday, June 08, 2008
You may have heard someone say, “You can know a tree by its fruit.” That's actually a biblical reference to understanding certain people by their actions. Matthew 7:16a says, “By their fruit you will recognize them.”
I would have to agree. If I see a tree with oranges on it--- even if I had mistakenly identified it as a different type before---I know that it's an orange tree. We have several in our neighborhood. Leaves may mimic the shape and size of a similar tree, but if it's got oranges... there's no doubt.
Did you know that you can know a tree by it's sound? Well, almost. Actually, you can know what's going on inside a tree by the sounds coming from it. Let me explain.
It happens every year. We have several trees on our property. At just the prescribed time, the trees begin to produce their flowers. These are large trees that we often walk under, but not so much at this time. Why? Because the trees hum. A very LOUD hum. Sort of like a small motor. A motor being powered by hundreds of bee wings—that could mean hundreds of bee stings.
The bees are doing their assigned task in the work of pollination. They know before I do that the branches are going through some radical, post winter changes. The old is being replaced by the new and plans are already in the making for the burst of color that is inevitable. Now, in case I hadn't noticed, the bees herald the news of this change with the only means they have available—their presence and the song of their wings.
What about people? Can we know what's going on inside them by the sounds coming from their vicinity? What does it mean to hear the giggles and squeals of a group of children gathered around an aged grandfather who's giving piggy back rides at a family reunion in the park? Do we hear kindness and love? Acceptance?
There are many clues to the mystery of a person's heart--- who they are and who they are becoming.. Some are visual, some are not. The question is, will we take the time to look into another's life, or perhaps even listen for the “hum” beneath the branches of their soul?

published: 04:58 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Sunday, June 08, 2008
If you look at the picture below, you might think it was a photo of a very soft, finely knitted, hand-made blanket. At a nearby mall, I love to visit a certain store that sells ultra soft baby blankets. Their texture has such a delicate feel. It almost defies description.
All the many things we have learned to fashion through the ages cannot compare to God's original designs. Everything that we "create" is simply a reiteration of what God has already done. We plant gardens with His soil and with His seed. We build tall buildings with metal and stone that we manufacture from the earth. He gives us the pencils and then, we draw. All that we aspire to begins with God.
So who made the southwestern looking blanket? God did--only it's not a blanket at all. Two identical moths were visiting our home a couple of nights ago. With wings as colorful and soft as a baby's blanket, they perused the outer walls of our garage. As though a visual gift from God to me, they posed for a late night portrait. Such beauty and uniformity. By Him, all things were created.

published: 12:05 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Friday, June 06, 2008
I had the opportunity to speak to someone today about my faith. They had been very concerned about where they were destined to go once they died. I shared with them the fact that there are many views in the world concerning this very thing. That being said, I clarified the convictions that I hold: there is only one way to spend eternity with God in Heaven. That way is through Jesus Christ. God sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a sinless life on the Earth and die on the cross in our place in payment for our transgressions. If we repent of our sin and ask for His forgiveness, He will.
Are you concerned about what will happen someday when you die?

published: 06:07 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Yearning. Longing. Wishing. Hoping. There are so many words that describe that earnest feeling of the heart. Sometimes it is accompanied by "If only" or perhaps "when." When I'm out of school, if only I could get that promotion...
Another word comes to mind, also. Jubilant. Jubilant? Yes. As the yearning is replaced with the knowledge of the dream come true and hope is confirmed in brilliant reality, jubilation is the natural result. Jubilant people, filled with gratitude, are awash with wellness at that moment. Have you ever seen a gold medalist look anything less than radiant when they are presented with their award? What about the look of joy on a father's face as he spots his only son in the airport returning home from military service?
Many times our hoping and yearning are matters of prayer. We petition God with our requests; we speak to Him often about our longing in a matter. In trusting Him, we wait for an answer to our concerns. God, in His wisdom, grants us blessings as He sees fit. As we realize how He is moving in our lives and in the lives of others, we are encouraged. We experience life-giving jubilation as we see the hand of God at work.

published: 08:52 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

published: 11:41 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I heard a story today about a young boy who had a very bad dream. Even though he had awakened, he still believed his bed was surrounded by tigers. His Dad came to his young son's room and listened to him tell about the wild animals. With compassionate understanding, the father comforted the frightened child. He could have dismissed his fear and made him to feel hurt and misunderstood. Instead, he seized the opportunity to show true, genuine love for his son.
Not many of us feel that we are surrounded by tigers---or do we? The tiger of finances, the tiger of illness; perhaps the tiger of lonliness. When we recognize fear in another's life, we can dismiss their feelings or we can take the initiative to show sincere love and understanding. Perfect love casts out fear.

published: 10:07 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Monday, June 02, 2008

Once again, I was driving and praying this morning. As I lifted my petition up to God, I had an instant of discouragement. The thought of another's seeming lack of human ability in a situation had presented itself for verification. Immediately, the verse in the Bible about God being stronger in our weakness came to mind. I found the reference this evening. In II Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 9, it says, "... My power is made perfect in weakness." This reminder of God's power brought comfort and hope to me.
God's word is a guide to us. A light for the present day, it illuminates even the past as we reflect on what has come to be.