Faith. What is faith? Is it trust? Is it just believing something? The dictionary states that faith is "the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved." Could we trust in God and yet fail to trust His promises? We can never be justified by our own merit, but through the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross, we are set free.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My Son
A glad heart. It cannot be purchased. I am reminded of a children's story from years ago where a woman searching for contentment entered a large department store. It seemed that anything ever desired could be found there. She asked the clerk, "Where do you keep the happy hearts?" With regret, she was told they had none to sell.
If you are a parent, what makes your heart glad today? Among God's greatest blessings is to know that your children are walking with God, with heart's tender toward Him. Is there a greater wisdom to attain? Is there a more pertinent joy to possess as we consider our role in their lives?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
You Give Life
Yesterday I witnessed the landing of a very large medical evacuation helicopter. Its wings beat the air as if in defiance to gravity as it hovered above us. Slowly, it began its descent to the ground below. I was feeling somewhat anxious, watching this massive craft maneuver before me. Although its appearance brings a welcome chance of hope, it also carries with it the unthinkable---the peril of death is eminent and life is hanging in the balance.
As my gaze was fixed on this marvel of technology, I noticed the symbol painted boldly on its side----the snake wrapped around a single pole. Immediately, the thought came to mind, "Look to Jesus and live." From that moment, anxious feelings that had crept into my mind began to dissipate. I remembered the story of Moses in the wilderness:
6 Then the LORD sent venomous snakes among them; they bit the people and many Israelites died. 7 The people came to Moses and said, "We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us." So Moses prayed for the people.
8 The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live."
In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
Although the symbol used in modern times has many historic references, I know God's encouragement to me was clear. It is God who gives life to everyone. Once He gives it, it is He who sustains it. It is He who made the way for forigiveness through the sacrifice of His Son. Look to Jesus---and live.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Triumphal Procession
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Power and Love
It was time to walk the dog. The sun had just moments before crept past the horizon, leaving the sky streaked with pastel colors of pink and blue. As I stood in the grass, the cool evening air gently brushed my face. The wind chimes suspended in our big oak tree played a soft melodious tune. I noticed that the flowers beneath the tree were blooming--some pink, some yellow. Standing quietly, taking in all these sensations, I considered how God had created all these experiences for us. We feel the wind; we see the colors in the sky and in the blooming petals of a flower. We hear vibrations which we call "music" and it is pleasant to our ears. God has given us the ability to enjoy the world He has created. It's as if each wonderous sensation is a gift made especially for us. What would color be with eyes only tuned to shades of black and white? What could we hear with ears not poised to receive its sound?
God has given us other gifts as well. Could we know love had He not given us the capacity to do so? How could we speak of Him if He had not given us hearts to understand and tongues to proclaim His message? He replaces timidity with courage to do His will. He gives us strength to persevere in those times when we are faced with challenge.
As surely as the wind blows and the flowers bloom, He is near us. God is forever faithful.
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