Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Seek the Lord

Have you ever felt that God's presence was especially evident? He is always with us, but there are times when it seems that He is moving in a special way. It's as if He allows us to feel His nearness in that certain moment. As we honestly seek to communicate with God, our hearts yearn for His peace--for His all sustaining nourishment for our souls.

published: 10:08 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Sunday, May 04, 2008

In Heaven

Today I heard a very thought provoking message based on the Lord's prayer in Matthew, chapter six. Just prior to Jesus' prayer he says, "...your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him."

We can go to sleep and rest; we can wake to face the day knowing that God is mindful of us.

published: 11:17 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Unknown to You

We were packing up, ready to leave. It had been an enjoyable time of camping. The night before, distant lightning had graced the skies every few seconds, providing yet another nuance to the captivating cloak of stars. The morning had arrived, dry and sunny.

As I waited on my husband to finish some last minute details before our departure, I slowly walked through the surrounding area, noticing the trees and the dense brush that surrounded us. Occasionally, I would spot some unusual things--a snail shell, a tiny flower. Certainly, they must exist unnoticed most of the time. Although I had not expected to see each beautiful discovery, I was blessed to see them on this peaceful morning.

Often, I am surprised by the unknown blessings God has prepared for me. A different path opening up, a new friend to encourage and enrich my days, or a simple reminder that He has heard my prayer about a matter, and that He is working through the situation. It can even come in the form of a fresh understanding of a particular circumstance.

God is preparing even now the blessings of the future that He plans to reveal to us. Although hidden from our eyes at this moment, they exist in the reality of God's loving will.

published: 08:00 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Man's Heart

Many years ago, someone first introduced the saying, "You are what you eat." I think I understand the sentiment behind the statement. Thinking of food in that way might, perhaps, encourage someone to make better nutritional choices.

If we could change this modern day proverb to say, "You are what your heart reflects," would it encourage us as listeners to make better choices about what attitudes are allowed to reside within our minds and emotions? Would we reject the "french fried " bitterness and replace it with a healthy serving of "humility" salad?

No matter what our appearance may be at any given time, who we are in our deepest being is what truly matters. The love, the compassion, the longing for fellowship with God....that's who we really are, and He knows us more completely than we know ourselves.

published: 09:57 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


God sent Jonah to the city of Ninevah to tell them to repent of their sins. Jonah obeyed, but he did not have compassion for the people. God told Jonah that the city had more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who could not tell their right hand from their left. Could this have meant that they did not have a concept of right and wrong? Did this mean that there were thousands of children too young to know left from right? Whatever the meaning, it was a city filled with people that mattered to God. He wanted them to hear the truth and turn from their evil ways. In speaking with Jonah, he asked him this question: "Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

There are so many people--so many cities. So many streets, so many houses. Do they know about the love of God? Do they know about Jesus' sacrifice made for them? Would they turn and follow God if they knew?

Reach out to show His love to just one person when the opportunity arises. I know that's what I need to do, and I need to do it more. Should I not be concerned?

published: 09:24 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fruit of the Spirit

published: 12:08 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

Monday, April 28, 2008

Watch Expectantly

I remember the old Sears catalogs. Looking through them as a child, I could imagine having so many things for myself. I recall a specific time when I marked certain items with a pen in hopes that my mother would order them for me. I could picture myself in that navy blue jacket with white stripes; it was almost as if I already had it.

On occasion, an order was actually placed. Expectant days would pass until the happy moment arrived and the mailman delivered a package. With excitement, there before me would be what I had asked for.

Recently, I heard someone say that while in prayer God had impressed upon them to pray as though He had already answered their request. Although God, in His infinite wisdom, does not grant every desire of our hearts, I believe He is working in our lives continually. When we pray, His answer might be, "Yes," as it seems it was in this case.

We might not be aware of an answer for quite some time, yet we should watch expectantly for His response, whatever it may be. There will be times that the "blue jacket" will arrive just as we've hoped. Other times, we may find that a heavier coat with a hood has been delivered instead, because God knew it would be getting a lot colder and we actually needed that more.

Whatever our yearnings--those things we have "marked" for God to see, we can trust that He will lovingly hear our petitions and faithfully consider each one.

published: 08:18 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink

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