My Light
Lyrics to an old hymn read, "And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." Songs that I have sung in church as a child have remained in my mind. Music has a way of embedding itself into memory.
Some recollections help me to see that I have changed through the years. I no longer feel strongly about some things; issues that seemed trivial in the past are now of great importance. I know God is shaping me and helping me to grow. As I come to understand Him more, concerns of the world do begin to lose their hold on my attention. Like sorting through a pan of dried beans and peas, separating them into two containers, I continually strive to accurately identify each circumstance in my life and place it in the proper perspective---important for eternity or....not.
If I were to self-examine each facet of my life through inner reflection, I think I would be aware of an on-going process of dimming. As I begin to understand the heart of God-- His mercy and His grace--my eyes are drawn more to Him.
He is my light.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We were sitting in our car on a parking lot. My son and I were enjoying watching the birds come and go. Because of the recent rain, there was a sizeable puddle close by, providing much needed water for our airborne friends. One bird had found a large piece of ....something. Flying away with his prized meal, the weight was just too much for the grasp of his beak. As the food hit the ground, it broke into pieces, scattering on the pavement. At that point, SEVERAL birds were able to join the dinner party.
I suspect this scenario repeats itself daily. In some way or another, the birds are fed. I wonder how many millions of birds there are in this country alone. So who's in charge of caring for them? Is anyone assigned the task?
It is God who feeds and cares for them. We are told in Luke 12:24: "Consider the ravens; they do not sow or reap. They have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
God is faithful to supply our needs as well.
Monday, May 26, 2008
My grandmother's brother was in the first World War. I have many pictures of him. As a child, I visited his home. A chair that sat in his living room now sits in my kitchen. A huge picture of him aboard the USS Mongolia captured my youthful attention as I explored my uncle's wall.
Details of his experiences while defending our country were handed down to me. I'm sorry for the things he had to go through; yet I am thankful for the freedom we have now in this country, and for the freedom that was purchased even then.
God protected my uncle; he came home from his many travels and lived to old age. God also protected our nation in that war, and the ones that have occurred since. Truly, the victory belongs to the Lord.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Good Gifts
Has a florist's shop ever delivered flowers to your door? You might have been asked, "Are you Mrs. Smith?" or "Are you Mr. Jones?" You are either thrilled or disappointed to give your honest answer. One way, the gift is yours; another way and it isn't.
Yesterday, a similar thing happened to me. A man walking toward me with a florist's box asked me the "Are you...?" question. Happily, I was able to say, "Yes." A beautiful cream rose adorned with tiny lavender blooms and a lovely blue ribbon had been awaiting my positive answer. I reached out my hand and accepted my gift.
There is a gift awaiting you from God. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, He has purchased forgiveness for you and a promise of life eternal with Him in Heaven. You may have thought such a gift was not available to you. Do you sense His presence in your heart ? Do you hear the quiet words, "Are you...? This gift of forgiveness is for you. Won't you take it?"
I hope your answer will be, "Yes."
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Dwelling of Light
Do you ever feel small? Sometimes at night, when the sky seems so big, I do feel small with my two feet planted on the soil of this Earth, held from floating off into oblivion by God's anchor of gravity. Rainbows seem to put my size to the test,too. (I always lose.) Magnificent and glorious, they appear to form a portal from one part of the planet to the other.
I was almost finished shopping when the thunder began. It was raining as I pushed my cart laden with my purchases toward my car. I saw the rainbow almost immediately. After hurriedly putting my things away in the trunk, I witnessed the forming of one of the brightest rainbows I have ever seen. Majestically forming an arch across the wide, expansive sky, it glowed with vibrancy.
On the way home, I was thankful God had allowed me to see what He had just made moments before. He knows how happy and excited I get when I see a rainbow.
When Jesus returns someday, I can imagine what the sky will look like, filled with the Heavenly Host. Do I sometimes feel small? Yes, but my God is BIG. He gently reminds us of His power with the creation of a radiantly glowing rainbow on a stormy day.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
One Flesh
I attended a wedding rehearsal today. The church was peaceful and inviting. The warm tones of the wooden planks that arched in the ceiling gave subtle ambience to the occasion. A small fountain in the courtyard outside bubbled softly, drawing my attention to its position and form. It was a comforting place. It was real somehow---nothing artificial.
As I think of it now, that's how I might describe the ceremony preparation. Attitudes seemed peaceful and genuinely warm. Sincere smiles and bubbling laughter were present throughout the evening. It was a comfortable gathering. It felt real--not artificial.
Is that how it's supposed to be when two people are to be wed? I think so. Genesis 2:24 says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Nothing artificial sounding there; just closeness and transparancy united with love and faithfulness.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Isaiah 61:10
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Plans
Tonight our son was given an important achievement award at a lovely banquet. Just over two years ago, I never would've imagined this evening. At that time, no indication was present to point to the skill that God has allowed him to develop in so short a time. Because of the sudden appearance of this talent in his life, it was obvious that God had given him a special gift at just the time He intended to; no one anticipated it's arrival, yet God's delivery was not early--nor was it late.
Hidden deeply within the chest of possibilities is the treasure of all that God intends us to be, revealed as many faceted jewels, enabling us to do His will in His timing. From the prickly cactus, seemingly forever green and barren, comes a burst of brilliant yellow, with blooms unexpected by some, yet fully anticipated by our Heavenly Creator.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Many Waters
Romans 8:38 and 39 says, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Monday, May 19, 2008
Peace Within Your Walls
Often as I'm driving home, I listen to the radio. On this particular late afternoon, I was privileged to hear an encouraging broadcast. The speaker told an interesting story about a man named Bob. Bob had remarked that when his children left home, he and his wife would just sit and “listen to the laughter in the walls.” I began to cry as I considered all the many voices and sounds of the past “residing” in my own walls—the giggles of the birthday parties, the welcome home barks of our beloved dogs, the bedtime stories and the good night “I love you”s---the treble pitches of the voices of children, the deep bass tones that marked their journey to manhood. There are other sounds as well; words of disappointment, misunderstanding and frustration, common to many families, I'm sure. Through it all, the sonance of prayer, spoken and silent, is gently intertwined with the rest.
My walls have witnessed the unrelenting passage of time---time that God has so graciously blessed us with. May our walls forever resound with the speech of praise as we live and grow older in His grasp. May they also give testimony of His great faithfulness, acceptance and love.
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