Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

No Root

"He saves, forgives and heals--takes back what the devil steals" That's one of my favorite lines from the lyrics of a song by Hillsongs Austrailia. Last night, I placed a scripture with a photo I had taken some time ago. I wan't exactly sure when I would use it. Today, that became more evident.

This morning, I listened as a speaker taught about forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. It would be difficult to ponder these three without introducing the thought of what is brought about by their lack. What happens when there is no forgiveness, reconciliation or restoration? Although there are many such ills birthed through their absence, one stands out to me. Bitterness.

Key passages to consider about this subject were mentioned, including Ephesians 4:31, which encourages us to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger..." I had been looking at Hebrews 8:15 just yesterday: "See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and many be defiled."

Is it possible for someone to see a "root of bitterness" in our lives, causing trouble? I believe so. Is it possible for us to recognize such a root springing up in our own hearts? With God's help, I believe this is also true.

Permeating several minutes of the time I spent considering these things this morning, was a certain scenario. I could see Jesus holding out his hand to someone who needed forgiveness. This person had reached out their own hand to grasp His hand. Next, the forgiven one, while still holding the hand of their Savior, turned around to face behind them, extending their hand in an outward motion---to accept the hand of any who needed forgiveness from them.

Jesus continually reaches out to us in love as He promises to forgive the repentant. His offer is not based on our acceptance; but on His love. We may choose to reject it. Others may choose to reject our outstretched hand as well. Still, it is in the offering of forgiveness that we are to be set free from the bondage of anger and bitterness.

published: 03:43 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Unfolding

We live in "hurricane country." As the season approaches, we will be encouraged at every turn to prepare for the possibility of severe weather. There are many things to consider. If we lose access to electricity, how can we function? How can we protect our home from damage? Those who have planned are better off than those who haven't.

A few years ago, I purchased a set of small flashlights that were connected to a short chains and pocket clips. During one of our storms in the past, I gave one to each member of the family when our power was out. That way, each of us could sleep knowing that if we needed to be up in the total darkness of our home in the night, all we had to do was reach down and turn on the tiny light clipped to our clothing. We would have just enough illumination to find our way.

The Bible is like that. We know that the "hurricanes" of life will come. How will be find our way in the confusion of uncertainty? How can we see clearly what our direction should be? If we have taken care to have God's Word in our hearts, we can reach in and find just enough light to find our way, one step at a time.

published: 03:22 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, April 25, 2008

Different Gifts

Anyone for boating? Not in just any boat; how about those small water craft that have bicycle-like pedals in the floor to insure you of a slow, joyous ride with minimal effort? (Did I say minimal?) While enjoying just such a craft, I was finding several opportunities to photograph my surroundings. A snow white bird nearby presented itself for a midday portrait. I love these creatures with hook shaped bills. Entire flocks land in our yard on occasion, relentlessly pecking and searching for insects to satisfy their hunger.

Recently, some passages in Romans, chapter twelve, were brought to my attention. Verses 5 and 6a state, " in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." In Eugene Peterson's The Message, these ideas are related in this way: "So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't."

I can't say for sure, but I somehow doubt that my hook-billed friend worries about not being a blue bird, a sea gull or perhaps even a sand hill crane. He just goes about his business, using that giant combination of nose and mouth to do just what he is meant to do. After all, isn't white as beautiful in God's eyes as blue? Aren't hook bills as lovely as tiny orange beaks?

How many times have I been hesitant to "be what God made me to be" because of fear of rejection or lack of confidence? How could I have ignored the realization that I am happiest doing what God has gifted me to do?

God is a God of second chances and of loving patience as we find our way and discover who He has made us to be.

published: 06:59 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, April 24, 2008

In All Things

Some years ago, my husband and I purchased a "strip" of marigold seeds to plant alongside our driveway. The soil had to be prepared, then the fiberous material housing the seeds was planted. We eagerly awaited our crop of blossoming plants. Time passed as we watered the soil frequently. One day a friend of ours was visiting us. He looked at the ground where the newly purchased seeds had been deposited. Singling out a very tiny green shoot, he said something like, "Now, that's a marigold plant."

Before long, we had orange-yellow plants running along the edge of the concrete, brightening our lawn. Our friend had been one of the first people to announce their inconspicuous arrival. We were pleased.

I have been praying about something for a long time now. Recently, I have become aware of answers to my requests from God. Today, I was joyous as I discovered yet another aspect of my prayers being answered. Words of thankfulness were on my lips.

After talking to God about this concern for quite a long time, I eagerly awaited the crop of answered prayer. I had planted the seeds of petition in the fertile ground of God's sovereignty. Only He could grow the desires of my heart.

Quite without warning, I had been alerted to another realization that God was indeed listening to my burdened heart. It's as though I had been standing by my barren driveway of concern, looking longingly at the empty soil, hoping to see those first shoots of answered prayer come piercing up from the dirt. Lately, I have become aware of the arrival of several tender green sprouts.

Do I recognize the work of God coming into being when it is surrounded by the distraction of the noise and clutter of the world? Sometimes. Thankfully, today was one of those days. Looking at the spiritual ground where I have safely deposited my requests, I can single out the distinctive shape and color of what is before me and say, "Now, that's an answer to prayer!"

published: 10:21 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God. It's not identified by a lofty castle on a far mountaintop. It's not maintained by earthly wealth. In one definition I found, the Kingdom of God is "used to describe God's rule over the world through His power and the exercise of it."

In Luke, chapter 12, Jesus tells the disciples not to worry about their lives, what they will eat or what they will wear. He explains that their Father knows what their needs are. In verses 31 and 32 He says, "But seek his Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."

What do we really need? Food? Clothes? A healed relationship? A job? Our Heavenly Father knows about every need. As we seek after God first in our lives, He is able to provide for us, in His wisdom and in His timing. We are not to be afraid.

published: 08:12 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Good Man

It was a quiet afternoon. The dirt road not long from our house is seldom busy. I walked along the edge, curious about what I might find. My eyes fell on a plant unknown to me; upon closer inspection, I could see that dark, dry, wrinkled pods had broken open, exposing blazing red berries to the warm sunlight. How colorful they were! Perfectly formed from such an unlikely--and yes, unlovely, pod.

What makes us beautiful? Advertisements proclaim a beauty found in make up or fine clothing. Theatres boast of the movie stars with their glamour and poise. But do any of these things really make us beautiful?

Some of the most beautiful people I know are surely never to be featured on a popular magazine cover. Hair products will not be endorsed with their names. Dolls will not be mass produced in their likeness. If they are truly beautiful, then why not?

It's a matter of perspective. How does God see us? Does He look at the tired countenance of a loving grandfather and focus on the wrinkled brow and silver hair? Does He view our imperfections and pass us by in favor of others more fortunate?

When God sees us, He sees our hearts. He sees the beauty of the ransomed berry within the dark and wrinkled pod. He knows the plans He has for us and His will for us to grow closer to Him. He sees us as we grow, storing up the likeness of Christ as we follow Him daily. Those who are looking closely may see the beauty of God and His work in us overflowing from deep within. We are his beautiful and beloved children, purchased by the willing sacrifice of His Son on the cross.

published: 05:50 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't like to think of war. I'd rather think of the eternal peace that will continue forever after the return of Jesus. However, there are many references to war and to warriors in the Bible. What would it have been like to have marched mile after mile, preparing to confront the enemy with swords or perhaps, arrows? A soldier might be skilled enough to grasp his bow throughout many battles; gripping the bow would be futile, however, if it weren't for the quiver of arrows to accompany it. From a very basic point of view, the arrows made the possibility of victory complete; They provided protection in the hour of attack, rendering their archer less vulnerable to the unknown. As Christians, above all else, we know the "battles" of this world belong to the Lord. He is our mighty Protector.

The Bible tells us that children are like arrows to a parent. They are a gift from God. With our sons and daughters to come along side us in our walk with the Lord, do we feel God's protection through the loving care of our children in an hour of spiritual attack? Do we feel less vulnerable to confusion when we realize a clear direction in life as stewards of His precious gifts to us?

I will be forever grateful to God for blessing my life with children. He has given me much.

published: 05:36 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fine Pearls

Yesterday was an important day for me. God had planned it to be that way, far in advance--however, it was a special surprise to me. It was only the evening before when I accepted an invitation to attend a local women's conference. Torn between feeling the urgency of accomplishing mundane house cleaning or spending twelve hours concentrating on my relationship with God, I chose to forego my domestic responsibilities.

To even think, in retrospect, of what I would have missed had I stayed home is a sobering thought. God's presence was evident at this gathering of precious women from various walks of life. Broken hearts were touched by the healing hand of the Heavenly Father. A sense of unity abounded through every session I had the privilege of taking part in. After a moving drama depicting a young girl's fascination with a string of pearls, we were faced with the question, "What do you consider your most treasured possessions?"

It was a beautiful day of drawing closer to my Savior and listening for His direction in my life. I am grateful for this special gift from God of time away, of singing His praises and communing with Him in prayer. I could've traded it for a stack of washed dishes and slightly cleaner floors. How glad I am to have chosen the gift instead!

published: 12:05 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, April 18, 2008


Do you remember growing up hearing "old sayings" from the mouths of family members? I do. Sometimes they were less than complimentary, like this one: "He doesn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain."

I don't usually stand out in the open during a rainstorm. I know where to find shelter and I go there. I've experienced storms before and I've learned to take precautions against harmful things like lightning or high winds.

So what do I do when spiritual storms come my way? I know what I SHOULD do; take precautions against harmful things like temptation and discouragement by seeking the shelter of God and His word. Instead, guess what happens occasionally? There I am, standing out in the storm with my shelter a stone's throw away. Wet and cold, I realize my mistake.

Oh, to be wise enough to see the dark clouds of spiritual turbulance in the distance and think, "The wind's really picking up...I think I'd better go inside now, where it's safe."

published: 09:48 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Mind of the Lord

In my life, there is a situation that I would like to be different. Exactly how different, I don't know. It's as if life is slightly out of focus, and I am yearning for the clear, sharp image. I have felt a longing for this change for well over a year. The desire of my heart in this issue comes back into view over and over. It follows me at every turn.

This morning, I was thinking about my current circumstance. I began to think of Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt. He was thrown into prison unjustly. I'm certainly not incarcerated, so what could I learn from his example? I doubt that Joseph WANTED to be in prison. He made the best of it, remaining a man of integrity, seeking God's wisdom. It would seem that God was training him for what was ahead. At just the appropriate time, Joseph's life was transformed.

What am I waiting for? I don't know. I must trust that God--who knows all things--will be faithful to prepare me and sustain me as He marks the path for me to follow. I may not understand my present circumstances, yet I need to accept the "training" that will yield understanding in the days to come.

published: 08:20 | 3 comment(s) | Main | permalink | edit

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Psalm 139:7-12 says, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, 'Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,' even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.'"

published: 09:21 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


published: 10:13 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, April 14, 2008

His Purpose

God has blessed me with children. Although our youngest is now a teenager, I still remember their younger days. It doesn't matter if the big guy with a beard and strong arms looks like just any man to you. I knew him when he was a baby....and that changes my perspective.

With our finite minds, we can only comprehend so much. Yet, even we can remember events from decades past with clarity and strong emotion. What does God see when He looks at us? Because He possesses infinite knowledge and wisdom, I can't imagine all the possibilities. There is one analogy that I feel gives a hint of only one aspect, however.

As I look at our sons, I view them with a collective understanding of all they have been through---their struggles, their successes. I have seen their pain and their joy. But not only that; I envision what I see them becoming: strong, sensitive adults with obedient hearts toward their heavenly Father. When they were small, I would think of what they would become as young men. That day has arrived, in God's timing and in His way.

So what did God see when He looked at the little girl who loved puppies and caught unsuspecting toads in the yard with her bare hands? When He looks at me now, does He see the woman I am to become in the future through His grace and loving guidance in this world?

Psalm 138:8 tells us that God will fulfill His purpose for us. It is comforting to know that as I lovingly consider my children in terms of their past, present and future, God is doing the same for me.

published: 05:29 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Three Strands

I can remember as a child I sometimes felt very alone. It didn't matter if I was truly alone or not. I felt alone sometimes even among a crowd of other children. I can recall a very large, old tree on the campus of my elementary school. Its roots stretched out from its trunk, forming huge "arms" in all directions at ground level. Feeling comforted by the bark covered wood on either side of me, I would sit between two of these "arms" as I waited for the bell to ring, ushering students inside the building.

We all have memories of our childhood that come back to us from time to time. Why did I choose to sit between the over grown roots of a tree that had stood for decades in front of my school? I think it might have been because I sensed a feeling of security or protection as I sat there. I probably felt less vulnerable and perhaps more able to process my thoughts before beginning an academic day of challenge.

Being "all grown up" now, some things have changed. I don't frequently sit on the ground by a tree anymore. I am no longer a little girl. Some things have remained the same, however. Sometimes, I still feel alone. Sometimes I feel vulnerable and I need to feel a sense of security and protection in order to process my thoughts.

The friends that God has blessed me with have, in some ways, taken the place of that old tree. I know that He has blessed me with the support of others who strengthen me along the way. It's as if we become a woven cord, stronger when it is stretched because of the distribution of the load.

published: 01:36 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1

Creatures of Little Strength

What do you say when someone asks you to do something? Oh, I don't mean things like, "Would you take out the trash?" or "When are you planning your next vacation?" I'm talking about the questions that seem to push an automatic button in your mind marked, "Say you can't." You don't have one of those buttons? Well, I think I do.

Let's see if any of these words sound familiar: "Would you be willing to help coach baseball this year?" "Have you ever thought about playing the piano at weddings?" "Could you possibly teach a Bible class?' "Would you be willing to go back to school for that advanced degree if we gave you a scholarship?"

It's as if a pre-recorded response of fear and self doubt sits poised to be activated at a second's notice when questions like this are encountered. It may be time to recognize the place of honor you may have given your lack of confidence. Thankfully, there have been times that I have trusted God to guide me through the uneasiness of stepping out into the unknown, understanding that nothing is "unknown" to Him. Often, confidence comes with the revelation that God is indeed with you throughout the learning process as we face each new horizon. Thoughts like, "I'm not experienced enough," "I'm too old," or "I could never be successful at that, " are replaced with realizations of challenges met and battles won through the strength that God has given us. Proverbs 30:25 says, "Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in summer."

We may be "of little strength," but we can trust God to help us do what we can, when we can do it, while there is still time.

published: 05:19 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sending an Angel

This afternoon, a special friend surprised me with a gift. Gently placed in a colorful gift sack, cradled within the layers of the wrapping paper was an orchid with beautiful yellow blooms. I carefully positioned it in my car, resting the stems against the seat. Too quick a stop, and the delicate flowers could be broken.

After I pulled into my driveway, I retrieved my new plant and brought it into the house. After removing it from the bag, I placed it near our bay window by the rock fountain. Without delay, I wanted to photograph it. My camera often sees what I do not; with optical instrospection, it discovers the intricate--and exposes nuances I never would have noticed.

As I looked on my viewscreen to see the image I had just collected, I was startled; the orchid held a great resemblance to and angel with crimson laced wings and a glowing countenance. Only yesterday, I was thinking about angels. Once again I had been reminded of God's special servants.

Who loves me? God does. Sometimes He loves us through the encouragement of those He places in our lives.

published: 07:35 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Joy of the Lord

Years ago, a coworker gave me a beautifully painted, ceramic angel as a gift. Since that time, the joyously contented representation of one of God's messengers has stood on top of my piano. With thoughts not unlike the ones that are mentioned about the Mona Lisa, it is easy to ponder what emotion the artist was trying to create with the simple smile, the closed eyes and the raised brows.

This particular week has brought with it some personal challenges. Some I expected; some I did not. God has met me at the moments I needed Him, and He has given me strength. There is a calm awareness of His presence in each activity. Might that be the definition of joy? A calm awareness of God's presence. Perhaps.

As I look into the face of my sculpted angel, I think I see it. It's as if she is thinking, "God is in control; I can bask in His presence for eternity. Praise His Holy Name."

Truly, the joy of the Lord is our strength.

published: 09:47 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

In Remembrance

published: 11:51 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Resurrection

The early hours were cloudy. Not long after the sun was up, I was on my way to purchase flowers. Special flowers. After selecting and purchasing a bouquet of varied colors, I drove to the Resurrection Garden of a nearby cemetery. Today would have been the 22nd birthday of our son who was killed in a car accident.

After I poured the water I'd brought with me into the memorial vase of the marker, I lowered the blooming array carefully in its place. Half uttering an audible prayer, yet completely communicating with a God who knows our deepest groanings, I gazed at the images of our son and the scripture verse imprinted in the plate of bronze.

John 11:25a says, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.."

It is my prayer that this verse will forever proclaim God's incredible love and forgiveness to all who stop to read it. For today, the living flowers reiterated this message; their intricate, mathematical perfection of beauty testifies of their Creator. Though we may die, through Jesus, we will yet live--more vibrantly than the petals in a solitary vase on a cloudy morning.

published: 09:19 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, April 07, 2008

YOUR Thoughts, please..

Today I was asked about the possibility of publishing a calendar of photos and scripture from "Picture My Thoughts." I would be very grateful if you would please comment on a favorite photo that you feel would be an appropriate selection for a calendar. You could "vote" by commenting on that particular devotional. To view any of the fourteen pages of photos, simply click on the page number at the very bottom of the set you are currently reading. Thank you so much for YOUR thoughts! :) ---Myra

published: 05:13 | 8 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Driving to church each Sunday, we see them. Tall and wide, the stately trees stand proudly, sometimes in the morning mist. They have weathered the storms, sheltered cattle from the midday sun and throughout the years steadily grown to be----what God intended---very large, strong trees.

As we mature in our walk with the Lord, we change. We weather the storms and care for others during difficult times. Hopefully, we gain wisdom and integrity that comes from God along the way. His ways become our ways as He guides us toward who He intends us to be.

published: 09:57 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, April 05, 2008


This past week our son attended a memorial service for someone he knew-- a young man who had died as a result of an illness. The service was held in the early evening, outdoors, near a peaceful lake. The sunset was so captivating with brillant and vibrant colors.

It is a somber thing to be reminded of your own mortality. Perhaps more so if you are a teenager, as many of the those who attended the service surely were. The glowing sun, the broad clouds--these composed the back drop of the ceremony, created by the Giver of life. He is our sustainer, from the beginning of life to the end.

The lyrics of a song performed by Lincoln Brewster read, "You paint the morning sky with miracles in mind." I cannot fathom the mind of God, yet I'm sure He knows what the skies look like to those on earth. He must delight in painting a dazzling scene on the horizon, reminding us of His presence, even on a day when many are mourning a great loss.

published: 10:01 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, April 05, 2008

He Wraps Up The Waters

The weather has been very interesting lately. Numerous thunderstorms--lightning, wind and heavy rain. With all of these ingredients, there is no wonder that the sky would become unstable looking; ominous, yet beautiful.

God is in control. The currents of the wind, the currents of the sea. The ice that hardens, the mist that rises and the clouds that form above us do so at His bidding. The elements of the weather point to a heavenly Creator, One who maintains His creation.

Clouds move and rise into the atmosphere, on a journey to return to the earth. Though we see them in the sky and consider the coming rainfall, do we ever think about the weight of the millions of drops that will soon be falling to land? He holds the water suspended above us. At the right time, the clouds release their moisture and the ground absorbs the life sustaining liquid. This entire process speaks of His faithfulness and power. The same God who holds the water in the skies is holding you throughout every struggle you may encounter.

published: 12:06 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Tree of Life

What can we take to heaven? Actually, nothing. We can, however, be witnesses to others about what God has done. We can live lives that point to Christ and speak words relating to His plan of salvation. Those then who believe on His Name will be citizens of heaven with us. How wonderful it will surely feel to see someone there and remember that it was you who shared God's message of forgiveness to that once lost soul.

published: 08:56 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

The Earth Is Full

Our son wanted to go camping for his 13th birthday. As I stood by the lake, it was quiet and peaceful. A natural spring produced the clear, cold water surrounded by lush, green foliage. Gazing out into such beauty, I saw it; a very large, yellow and black butterfly, flittering this way and that, over the water, back to the land and out to the water again. I tried to take a picture of this meandering creature of the sky, but it was futile. I couldn't keep up with its erractic movements in the air.

Although I don't quite remember the exact words I prayed, I asked God to have the butterfly come to me so that I could take its picture. I really wanted to photograph it up close.

I stood at the water's edge, having spoken to God about my desire to photograph this beautiful butterfly, waiting to see its next move. It began a fluttering path toward the ground near me. As it landed, I took a step, ever so gently; then a step or two more, until I was standing over it. With almost every click of my camera I was saying, "Thank You, God!" I moved the extended lens of my camera within only inches from this lovely creation. It opened its wings and sat still as I took picture after picture. It was as if it was obediently posing. After awhile, it lifted its wings and took to flight once again in the afternoon sunshine. I hurried back to tell my family of God's answer to my prayer.

Do the little things in our lives matter to God? I think so. I know He knew I wanted to photograph one of His butterflies. When I asked Him, He said, "Yes," by instructing the exact one that I wanted to come to me. What an encouragement to be reminded that God is ever present in every facet of our lives, watching over our needs and the desires of our heart.

published: 09:36 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

An Appointed Time

Recently, I heard someone speak about the seasons of life. Not just childhood, adulthood and retirement---but a beginning and an end to specific sections of our assignments. Assignments? Yes. A beginning and an end to different assignments by God. Go here, do that. Leave here, go there. Speak to them; stop speaking.

Actually, I struggle with that. It's not so much that I resist entering a certain season, but exiting is another matter. I doubt; could I have done more, said more? Is it really time to move on? Is this assignment really over, or am I just weary of the task at hand?

These are questions I must ask myself. How about you?

published: 11:24 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Be Separate

Driving down my street this morning, I once again noticed a gorgeous tree. It is absolutly captivating. When you see it, you just want to keep looking. It is beautiful, that's true. Many trees are. It is tall and its branches are widely spread. That's not unusual. However, this tree is VERY different from all the rest. The street is lined with trees on both sides of the pavement. Years ago, I'm told the county government planted trees all along the sidewalks of our subdivision. Though I don't know exactly who planted this one, I do know one thing: it stands out from all the rest. Why? It's blooms are YELLOW. VERY YELLOW. There's no missing this one. Other trees blend into the scenery as you pass by. Not this one. There are no signs that read, "Big Yellow Tree This Way" or "Giant Yellow Tree Next 50FT." Road signs would not be needed, because the vibrant yellow blooms command your attention.

How different am I? A wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a teacher....I live a varied existence with many such titles, but am I DIFFERENT? Do people spot me from a distance and immediately realize that I am a Christian? Do they think I am even after taking a closer look? I hope so. It is with the strength of God that I "bloom" at all. Throughout everything that I accomplish in life, I want to blossom into deeply rich colors that glorify Him.

published: 09:49 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Spring is a wonderful time of year. Objects that appear lifeless engage in a transformation of renewal, causing the most brittle looking branches to burst into vigorous buds. What has long appeared to be a wilderness may now show evidence of the silent inner working of each plant and tree. Brown and barren, they had held the secret of the change that was yet to come.

I am well acquainted with the wilderness---areas of spiritual wilderness, that is. Praying about a matter while sadly watching the leaves of the situation turn brown and wither, yet hoping for a resolution and struggling for understanding. At a time when I am not expecting it, I am sometimes reminded of the continual work of God.

As I trudge through the leaf pile of discouragement one more time, my eyes are drawn to a speck of "color" nearby. Further inspection leads me to the conclusion that God had indeed been hearing my longings and has already begun the process of change in the circumstances that had so burdened my heart. Could it be? Definitely....a tiny budding branch of hope, green with newness and moist with the life giving water of answered prayer.

published: 03:44 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, March 28, 2008

Draw Near

I've been driving by them almost every day. Beautiful, gorgeous flowers along the side of the road. Long stretches of purple color greet each motorist with a new reminder of spring as they continue to multiply and bloom. Exactly what are they like? I didn't know; I could have identified them as plants, named their color and estimated their height. Really seeing them for what they were with knowlege of their intricate beauty? That would take some effort.

Days had passed. Weeks, actually. Then, I decided I would do it. I found a semi-safe looking place to turn off of the highway. I exited my car and began walking into the sea of lavender stretching toward the sky. After those moments of spending the time necessary to fully appreciate what I had only admired from afar, I can now speak with greater knowledge about these lovely flowers.

If you were to take a poll of everyone you knew, asking them if they believed in God, I am confident that most would say that they do. If you questioned further about His specific attributes and character, I am equally confident that most people would begin to search for words, faltering from lack of personal knowledge.

When I looked at the photographs I had taken of the purple foliage, I discovered things about the plants that I had not even noticed while walking among them. There was yet more to learn.

Day after day, will I choose to "drive" through my life quickly, viewing God's presence in the distance but failing to draw close to Him? Will I be satisfied to give only vague descriptions of His great love and provision? Will I spend the moments of time in prayer and Bible reading necessary to speak about Him with greater personal knowledge?

published: 09:32 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I was unprepared for the pain. In somewhat of a hurry to leave for work this morning, I was closing my closet door. It is a sliding "pocket" door, which means the entire thing retreats to the unknown space between two pieces of sheetrock when it is in "open" mode. It has a metal latch that form fits its companion design in the door frame. It often doesn't connect into position properly when closing unless I give it a good, solid, forceful slide out. This morning was no different; except that I somehow failed to remove my fingers from the latch area. A scream that I didn't know I could produce filled my home as the fingers of my right hand were caught in the way.

Throbbing pain sent me almost immediately to my next thought process--this was only a door slamming into my hand. What about Jesus? What about the nails? How could I ever understand His great suffering and how He endured it for me---and for you?

Thank You, Lord, for paying the price for my sin.

published: 06:55 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Remove the Covering

Noah was a great man of faith. He was obedient, even when others ridiculed him and his directive from God. His faith was consistent throughout God's timetable of events. He had faith in God because he believed God.

Noah was commanded to build the ark, so he built it. He was commanded to take the animals on to the ark. The animals came. The flood covered the earth as God had said. Now, it was time to have faith that he could one day leave the ark. After a dove that he had set free failed to return, Noah knew it was time. Time to uncover the ark and look for God's provision. He had the faith to remove it and see what God had done. With the covering lifted, Noah saw the dry ground. His faith had become sight!

Is it time to uncover an area in your life and see what God has been doing? Is the next step God has for you just outside the confines of your current situation? Genesis 9:18 begins, "So Noah went out......"

published: 08:57 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Behold the Ships

In one of my favorite songs the lyrics state: "May the words I say and the things I do make my lifesong sing--bring a smile to You." (Lifesong by Casting Crowns, 2005) What do my words bring? I am sometimes surprised by my own critical tongue or the lack of patience I display. I do want my words to bring a smile to God. I want Him to be pleased. What I say can be helpful or hurtful. The "rudder" of speech can take my ship to places of edification, comfort and love; it can just as easily cause discouragement, bitterness and doubt. I hope for wisdom to know the difference.

published: 08:53 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, March 24, 2008

Yesterday and Today

Jesus. The Son of God. Master, Savior. Healer of the sick. Comforter. The risen Lamb.

In Revelation 1:17c,18, Jesus says, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades."

We can rejoice this day in knowing that Jesus is alive. Alive forevermore.

published: 07:32 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Mark 16:2 says, "And very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen."

This is speaking of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They didn't know, of course, when they started out that morning that Jesus was alive. They were bringing spices they had prepared to place into the tomb. In looking at this verse, I thought of it this way: "...they came to the tomb when the SON had risen." Three decades before, Zacharius had prophesied, "Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high shall visit us.." (Luke 1:78) What a wondrous revelation was about to be disclosed to these three women and to Jesus' disciples.

I wonder if the angel that was sitting inside the tomb felt excitement and joy to be telling the good news. When he said, "He is risen; He is not here;" was he filled with praise at the unfolding of God's plan of redemption? At the birth of Jesus, heavenly hosts shouted, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." (Luke 2:14)

Jesus is risen----HE IS RISEN, INDEED!

published: 01:01 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

They Rested

When a funeral is over and you go back home, there is an unusual oddness that seems to permeate existance. It's a sort of blank feeling mixed with a heavy heart and lack of direction. "Well, what am I supposed to do, now?' can be an unspoken thought running its course throughout every other thought.

The Bible tells us that Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus down from the cross, wrapped it with cloths and laid it in a tomb. The women who had come with Jesus out of Galilee followed and saw the tomb and how his body was laid there. Then, "on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment." What thoughts must have been in their minds as they returned home? Surely, they were exhausted and filled with tremendous grief. They obeyed the commandment. They rested.

published: 08:33 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, March 21, 2008

In the Garden

I attended a Good Friday service this evening. As visitors were admitted in to the building, we were invited to walk to several different areas for personal reflection. On one table there were long thorns from the type of bush that is thought to have been the one used to create Jesus' crown. Going on further, there were nails, spikes and a roughly constructed hammer. As I moved from one emphasis to another, I had been instructed to place one of the small reminders of the suffering of Jesus into a bag that had been given to all those who entered. Among them was a single thorn, a nail, and a cross. At each area, a written message was provided for the participants. Nearing the end, we were encouraged by the realization that Jesus did not stay in the tomb. He's alive!

I wonder what the garden looked like that surrounded the tomb where Jesus was laid? Would it have been filled with blooming flowers or vines cascading from the rocks? From it's very creation, Jesus knew it would be the chosen place for the resurrection.

Today, on Good Friday, I am in a quiet mood as I consider all that Jesus endured in order to offer salvation and forgiveness of our sin.

published: 10:57 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Mount of Olives

What are your habits? Occasionally, our son's dog will get out. When she does, the neighborhood hunt begins. Our family descends on backyards and driveways, leashes and collars in hand, ready for the catch. If we hadn't seen her when she escaped the confines of our home, we begin our search at one specific place--the house in the cul de sac with multiple pets. It has proven to be a favorite spot for our young explorer. So, what about you? Do people know where to look for you? What about me?

Jesus knew what He was about to endure on the cross. What did He do? He spent time with His disciples and He went to the Mount of Olives to pray. The Bible tells us in Luke 22:39 that, "He came out and proceeded as was His custom to the Mount of Olives;" It was His custom. What is our example? We must pray. We must acknowledge that God is with us always, in constant awareness of our prayers. Is it your custom to pray? When times are difficult are others likely to find you communicating with God?

Distractions seem to draw me away from what I know is best; often I find myself distraught over a matter, without first praying for guidance and peace in the situation. As I continue in my walk through life with the realization that Jesus is my Savior, perhaps the distractions will become less effective and my focus will grow ever clearer on what He would have me to do. It should be my custom to pray.

published: 07:54 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have a lot of childhood memories. Some of them are good and some of them are, well, not so good. I can recall being very anxious about certain things that were beyond my control. Tucked away in my mind are recollections of how God comforted me in those times of need. It was almost a feeling of relief as I relinquished my heavy emotional load in the realization of His help. God was showing me even then that I could bring my fearful thoughts to Him. After all these years, I still have not forgotten His faithfulness to me as a child.

The journey from worry to calm is not traveled alone. God is there to show us His control over situations that disturb us and steal our joy. Our salvation comes from Him.

published: 09:40 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Will Praise You Forever

They all looked so pretty in the parking lot. Yesterday, the store I was about to enter had rows of flowers and plants for sale, greeting every customer that drove by. I just had to get a closer look. After some careful perusing, I chose three plants to purchase. One of the plants looked healthy, but had no bloom. I could see what type it was by looking at the leaves and the information on the pot. I didn't know exactly what color it would be. I chose it anyway. I would just have to wait and see.

It was already dark when I removed my new plants from their containers and transplanted them into a ceramic foliage bowl. I carefully lifted each one out of their nursery pots, their intricate maze of roots intertwining with the damp and arid soil. Gently I placed them into their new home. After watering my new treasures, I left them near our front fountain, joining other splashes of color from hearty plants already in place.

When I came home after work today, I glanced toward the fountain area. A beautiful, solitary pink bloom was emerging from the clump of leaves. Delicate and new, it was proudly unfolding. I was very pleased.

God understands us even when we have trouble knowing our own selves. He sees the potential for gorgeous blooms, though the rest of the world may only see leaves. He takes note of our stature, believing that we can grow to new heights if we only allow Him to transplant, water and prune us to His liking. He gently lifts us out of the comfortable soil into the new larger containers of life where we can expand and grow as we were created to.

Even when we cannot detect the "bloom" in ourselves or in others, cherish the fact that God sees what we cannot. In His perfect timing, a burst of color will come forth, announcing God's sovereign work in our lives, producing fragrant petals for His glory.

published: 08:58 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, March 17, 2008

Love One Another

Yesterday I heard a man speak about his experience with cancer earlier in his life. He recounted the ordeal of chemotherapy and his time spent at the hospital. Determined to serve God throughout any circumstance, he walked the halls of the hospital with his IV in tow, going from room to room asking a simple question: "Is there something I can pray for you about?"

Even in his weakened state, he desired to reach out to others in the name of Christ. Jesus said, "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you." (John 15:12) As I begin my day tomorrow, I hope I will ask myself, "How can I show God's love to someone else today?"

published: 09:36 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Vine

What can I do without God? What "fruit" will my life produce? All that is meaningful will be a direct result of my relationship with Him. Through His guidance and His strength, I can accomplish many things, bearing fruit.

published: 08:36 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, March 15, 2008


It's Easter time. A season of reflection about what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has done for us. The pain and agony that He endured was the payment for our sin. What is sin? I've been told that it's anything that you say, think or do that displeases God. All of us are guilty. All of us may be forgiven. Jesus paid the price. We need only to accept this payment, repent of our mistakes, and, believing in Him, allow Him to guide us as we live out our lives no longer condemned.

published: 09:31 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, March 14, 2008

Forgive Them

Our son was attending a reinactment of the last supper with Jesus. It was taking place in a nearby town. They had unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They removed their shoes and had their feet washed. As I waited outside for the conclusion of the meeting, I walked around the church grounds, browsing. I was unfamiliar with several areas. Lovely trees, blooming flowers. I passed a quiet memorial garden bathed in the sound of a bubbling rock fountain.

Just beyond, I saw them. I hadn't noticed them before. Standing tall into the dusky sky were three crosses. The one in the center was draped in a long, flowing purple cloth. In years past, I had seen other crosses displayed by the side of the highway or at other churches. This was the first time I had ever stood at the foot of a cross.

Jesus died to purchase a way for all people to spend eternity with Him. He heals, He saves, and He forgives. Thank You, Lord, for forgiving me....

published: 06:32 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Follow Me

You can always find them. That is, if you're up that early. At the most inconvenient times, it seems, fishermen are out in their trucks, pulling their boats to a nearby lake. Later in the day, rows of trucks can be seen lining the shores. Why go to all this trouble? The answer has many facets; however, the bottom line is this--fishermen love to fish.

How do I know? Think about it: almost everyone works hard for their income. Great care is taken in deciding how to spend it. Trucks and boats are expensive. Fishing gear isn't cheap. People spend their money and time on what they really care about. Television shows are devoted solely to the topic of better fishing. Monthly magazines model the newest way to fish successfully. Those who are found searching the waters for the catch of the day never tire of hearing of the latest challenge of another fishing buddy.

I think I have finally figured out what I really want to do in life. I want to be a fisher. A fisher of men.

If I speak, I want it to somehow draw someone closer to God. If I write, I want it to do the same. If I teach, my desire is to bring others closer to Him. If I take photographs, I want them to bring God glory as they speak silently to those who view them. If I sing, I want the words to turn the ears of those who listen toward their loving Father.

Where should I go to fish? Down the road. Up the hill. At the store. In my home. The hospital, the church, the gas station, the school. I will have to be intentional. God will teach me along the way. The question will be: Do I really want to fish?

If the answer is yes, His instruction is simple: "Follow Me."

published: 11:54 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit


What is the kingdom of God? Jesus said in Mark 10:14, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." So, then, who are like children? What are the attributes of a child? Trusting, forgiving, compassionate. Accepting, loyal, tender. Think of a little one's reaction to a newborn puppy or a tiny duckling. With eyes that reflect awe, they care for the helpless and the precious. When visiting a nursing home, they extend a tiny hand to join a wrinkled one, greeting an aged smile with an open heart. They pick lovely flowers that have brought them joy, only to impart on a mission to deliver them with haste to a mother or father they love.

When we come with child-like faith to understand our great need for God, I am convinced that He accepts us, forgives us and loves us. Ours is the kingdom of God.

published: 08:36 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nest by the Waters

Birds are so fascinating. I love to watch them go about their day to day routines---pecking the ground in search of food, flying effortlessly in the wind, singing serenades from the trees. Birds seem to know so much. They fly south for the winter and fly north for the spring. They guard their young in the nest after having constructed it in just the right way. Who teaches the birds? Who gives them instruction? Of course, it is their heavenly Creator who instills their knowledge. With this knowledge, where do they go? They stay close to His provision wherever He wills them to be.

Birds could not be found setting up a nest where no water or food could be found for sustenance. Some live near the equator while others live closer to the snowy poles. Their places are prepared. Their obedience is sure. Yet, they stay near the source of provision.

As each day begins, I may choose to draw close to God, who is my source of life. What if I don't? I may find myself in a dry, barren place, thirsty without relief--hungry with no nourishment in sight. What is the answer when I make the wrong choice? Return to my Heavenly Father who freely gives wisdom and knowledge to His children, staying close to His provision in the place where He wills me to be. When I am there, it seems that I find myself singing in the midst of the branches, held up by His compassion and love.

published: 05:01 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, March 10, 2008

With All Your Heart

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

published: 07:45 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, March 08, 2008

We Wait for You

It was time for lunch. As I opened the can of tuna, a voice rang out in our kitchen. The voice of our cat....

Often when I open a can of tuna, I take it to our cat's dish and drain the water from the can. A sort of "feline soup." He loves it. In fact, when the opener first pierces the can, he begins his imploring solo. Today, as I was draining the fluid over the feeding dish, he came right up to where I was pouring and positioned his head right under the stream and began drinking. Unwilling to fill my pet's fur with tuna water, I stopped serving and left him to finish his treat. The thought actually came to my mind, "I could have given you so much more, had you not been so impatient." By the time I had reached the other side of my kitchen, that thought was somehow speaking to me.

How many times might there have been that God was ready to give me more of what I yearned for, yet I was too impatient to wait for His timing? Had I moved too quickly in situations, taking things into my own hands instead of seeking His will? Had I settled for one ounce of tuna water when I could have had two? Had I picked some budding flowers only to find that they would have bloomed more beautifully had they been allowed to mature a little longer?

published: 08:39 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, March 07, 2008

Great Treasure

Are you rich? I've known some people who had acquired many fine things--cars, homes, furnishings, boats, pools, clothing. By most standards they would be considered wealthy. But what if the standard changed and their belongings were viewed in a different light?

Don't get me wrong--I enjoy nice things. However, I have come to value people and relationships far more. What does my home contain? A couch, a bed, a table--the usual items. Yet, there's more. God has given me many gifts. The floppy eared dogs that greet me upon my arrival home each day. The cat that I find curled up next to me when I awaken in the mornings. The sound of our oldest son playing the guitar in his bedroom. Another son sitting at his computer arranging and composing music. Still another son riding his bicycle down the hill or contemplating an interesting bug in the front yard. My husband joyfully creating the latest woodworking project in the garage. My house is blessed with relationship. Though not totally free from occasional conflict, my house is filled with love.

Am I rich? You bet.

published: 05:43 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Memory

Think back: who in your life has left a gentle mark, forever changing its course by their encouragement, their commitment and their love to you? It may be a parent, a grandparent, a spouse..... Perhaps a 3rd grade teacher or a youth pastor. The old custodian at work all those years that greeted everyone with a smile and assurances of prayers every single day. Could it be the neighbor that was always there to help when illness struck? The Sunday School teacher that convinced you that God could do fantastic things in your life if you were willing to let Him? Chances are, there are many memories of dear souls who have invested in you---nurtured you.

Voices from the past speak silently in times of decision making, conflict, or even great joy. Mentors continue their task of loving stewardship long after they are gone. My hope is that I may leave gentle marks of encouragement with my family and others, in order to lead them ultimately closer to a continual life of fellowship with God. I am thankful for the memories of those who took the time to strengthen me toward that goal.

published: 05:58 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Have you ever looked back on something you've said or done and thought, "Why did I do that?" Perhaps guilt and regret come as partners to your thinking. I have had this experience. How could I ever have had the attitudes that produced my words and actions?

As a work in progress, God is teaching me; He is allowing change to occur through the learning process of life. He is giving me a new understanding of what is pleasing to Him. I am not who I was before and in the future I will be different still. God is molding us into His likeness, forgiving us when we fail along the way.

published: 10:29 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

For the Good of Those

As I was visiting with a friend tonight, I was sharing my thoughts on some difficult times that I had experienced in life. Looking back to the years gone by, I can't understand exactly why I had to go through some painful seasons. I do feel that God has used some of the harder circumstances that I have faced to prepare me to have an understanding of others in need who are dealing with similar situations. In all things God works for the good of His people.

published: 09:53 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, March 03, 2008

A Tent for the Sun

published: 10:08 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Open My Eyes

Do you ever wonder why a certain speed limit has been posted on a road you are traveling? Sometimes it can be frustrating if you are in a hurry to arrive at your destination and the speed limit sign is encouraging you to slow down. What if it seems like an empty road? Straight, no curves. Nothing to warrant moving traffic at such a reduced pace. What do you do?

Making the choice to obey the law, you resign yourself to poking along for no good reason. Suddenly, quite a distance away, you see a car up ahead, pulling out into the road. Seconds later, as you pass the area, you read another sign: hidden driveway. Hmmm. That was why....

I sometimes want to go a little faster in my life than God wants me to. I want things now. Or maybe, tomorrow. But next year? Ten years? Do I really have to go that slowly? Only God knows about the "hidden driveways" in the path that He has set before me. I must follow His directions if I am to be where He wants me, when He wants me there. He sees what I cannot. I must trust in Him.

published: 09:46 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit