Our son wanted to go camping for his 13th birthday. As I stood by the lake, it was quiet and peaceful. A natural spring produced the clear, cold water surrounded by lush, green foliage. Gazing out into such beauty, I saw it; a very large, yellow and black butterfly, flittering this way and that, over the water, back to the land and out to the water again. I tried to take a picture of this meandering creature of the sky, but it was futile. I couldn't keep up with its erractic movements in the air.
Although I don't quite remember the exact words I prayed, I asked God to have the butterfly come to me so that I could take its picture. I really wanted to photograph it up close.
I stood at the water's edge, having spoken to God about my desire to photograph this beautiful butterfly, waiting to see its next move. It began a fluttering path toward the ground near me. As it landed, I took a step, ever so gently; then a step or two more, until I was standing over it. With almost every click of my camera I was saying, "Thank You, God!" I moved the extended lens of my camera within only inches from this lovely creation. It opened its wings and sat still as I took picture after picture. It was as if it was obediently posing. After awhile, it lifted its wings and took to flight once again in the afternoon sunshine. I hurried back to tell my family of God's answer to my prayer.
Do the little things in our lives matter to God? I think so. I know He knew I wanted to photograph one of His butterflies. When I asked Him, He said, "Yes," by instructing the exact one that I wanted to come to me. What an encouragement to be reminded that God is ever present in every facet of our lives, watching over our needs and the desires of our heart.

published: 09:36 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Recently, I heard someone speak about the seasons of life. Not just childhood, adulthood and retirement---but a beginning and an end to specific sections of our assignments. Assignments? Yes. A beginning and an end to different assignments by God. Go here, do that. Leave here, go there. Speak to them; stop speaking.
Actually, I struggle with that. It's not so much that I resist entering a certain season, but exiting is another matter. I doubt; could I have done more, said more? Is it really time to move on? Is this assignment really over, or am I just weary of the task at hand?
These are questions I must ask myself. How about you?

published: 11:24 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Driving down my street this morning, I once again noticed a gorgeous tree. It is absolutly captivating. When you see it, you just want to keep looking. It is beautiful, that's true. Many trees are. It is tall and its branches are widely spread. That's not unusual. However, this tree is VERY different from all the rest. The street is lined with trees on both sides of the pavement. Years ago, I'm told the county government planted trees all along the sidewalks of our subdivision. Though I don't know exactly who planted this one, I do know one thing: it stands out from all the rest. Why? It's blooms are YELLOW. VERY YELLOW. There's no missing this one. Other trees blend into the scenery as you pass by. Not this one. There are no signs that read, "Big Yellow Tree This Way" or "Giant Yellow Tree Next 50FT." Road signs would not be needed, because the vibrant yellow blooms command your attention.
How different am I? A wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a teacher....I live a varied existence with many such titles, but am I DIFFERENT? Do people spot me from a distance and immediately realize that I am a Christian? Do they think I am even after taking a closer look? I hope so. It is with the strength of God that I "bloom" at all. Throughout everything that I accomplish in life, I want to blossom into deeply rich colors that glorify Him.

published: 09:49 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring is a wonderful time of year. Objects that appear lifeless engage in a transformation of renewal, causing the most brittle looking branches to burst into vigorous buds. What has long appeared to be a wilderness may now show evidence of the silent inner working of each plant and tree. Brown and barren, they had held the secret of the change that was yet to come.
I am well acquainted with the wilderness---areas of spiritual wilderness, that is. Praying about a matter while sadly watching the leaves of the situation turn brown and wither, yet hoping for a resolution and struggling for understanding. At a time when I am not expecting it, I am sometimes reminded of the continual work of God.
As I trudge through the leaf pile of discouragement one more time, my eyes are drawn to a speck of "color" nearby. Further inspection leads me to the conclusion that God had indeed been hearing my longings and has already begun the process of change in the circumstances that had so burdened my heart. Could it be? Definitely....a tiny budding branch of hope, green with newness and moist with the life giving water of answered prayer.

published: 03:44 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Friday, March 28, 2008
I've been driving by them almost every day. Beautiful, gorgeous flowers along the side of the road. Long stretches of purple color greet each motorist with a new reminder of spring as they continue to multiply and bloom. Exactly what are they like? I didn't know; I could have identified them as plants, named their color and estimated their height. Really seeing them for what they were with knowlege of their intricate beauty? That would take some effort.
Days had passed. Weeks, actually. Then, I decided I would do it. I found a semi-safe looking place to turn off of the highway. I exited my car and began walking into the sea of lavender stretching toward the sky. After those moments of spending the time necessary to fully appreciate what I had only admired from afar, I can now speak with greater knowledge about these lovely flowers.
If you were to take a poll of everyone you knew, asking them if they believed in God, I am confident that most would say that they do. If you questioned further about His specific attributes and character, I am equally confident that most people would begin to search for words, faltering from lack of personal knowledge.
When I looked at the photographs I had taken of the purple foliage, I discovered things about the plants that I had not even noticed while walking among them. There was yet more to learn.
Day after day, will I choose to "drive" through my life quickly, viewing God's presence in the distance but failing to draw close to Him? Will I be satisfied to give only vague descriptions of His great love and provision? Will I spend the moments of time in prayer and Bible reading necessary to speak about Him with greater personal knowledge?

published: 09:32 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I was unprepared for the pain. In somewhat of a hurry to leave for work this morning, I was closing my closet door. It is a sliding "pocket" door, which means the entire thing retreats to the unknown space between two pieces of sheetrock when it is in "open" mode. It has a metal latch that form fits its companion design in the door frame. It often doesn't connect into position properly when closing unless I give it a good, solid, forceful slide out. This morning was no different; except that I somehow failed to remove my fingers from the latch area. A scream that I didn't know I could produce filled my home as the fingers of my right hand were caught in the way.
Throbbing pain sent me almost immediately to my next thought process--this was only a door slamming into my hand. What about Jesus? What about the nails? How could I ever understand His great suffering and how He endured it for me---and for you?
Thank You, Lord, for paying the price for my sin.

published: 06:55 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Noah was a great man of faith. He was obedient, even when others ridiculed him and his directive from God. His faith was consistent throughout God's timetable of events. He had faith in God because he believed God.
Noah was commanded to build the ark, so he built it. He was commanded to take the animals on to the ark. The animals came. The flood covered the earth as God had said. Now, it was time to have faith that he could one day leave the ark. After a dove that he had set free failed to return, Noah knew it was time. Time to uncover the ark and look for God's provision. He had the faith to remove it and see what God had done. With the covering lifted, Noah saw the dry ground. His faith had become sight!
Is it time to uncover an area in your life and see what God has been doing? Is the next step God has for you just outside the confines of your current situation? Genesis 9:18 begins, "So Noah went out......"
published: 08:57 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In one of my favorite songs the lyrics state: "May the words I say and the things I do make my lifesong sing--bring a smile to You." (Lifesong by Casting Crowns, 2005) What do my words bring? I am sometimes surprised by my own critical tongue or the lack of patience I display. I do want my words to bring a smile to God. I want Him to be pleased. What I say can be helpful or hurtful. The "rudder" of speech can take my ship to places of edification, comfort and love; it can just as easily cause discouragement, bitterness and doubt. I hope for wisdom to know the difference.
published: 08:53 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Monday, March 24, 2008
Jesus. The Son of God. Master, Savior. Healer of the sick. Comforter. The risen Lamb.
In Revelation 1:17c,18, Jesus says, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades."
We can rejoice this day in knowing that Jesus is alive. Alive forevermore.

published: 07:32 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Mark 16:2 says, "And very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen."
This is speaking of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They didn't know, of course, when they started out that morning that Jesus was alive. They were bringing spices they had prepared to place into the tomb. In looking at this verse, I thought of it this way: "...they came to the tomb when the SON had risen." Three decades before, Zacharius had prophesied, "Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high shall visit us.." (Luke 1:78) What a wondrous revelation was about to be disclosed to these three women and to Jesus' disciples.
I wonder if the angel that was sitting inside the tomb felt excitement and joy to be telling the good news. When he said, "He is risen; He is not here;" was he filled with praise at the unfolding of God's plan of redemption? At the birth of Jesus, heavenly hosts shouted, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." (Luke 2:14)
Jesus is risen----HE IS RISEN, INDEED!

published: 01:01 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit