My Darkness
A few nights ago, I woke up at 2:00 a.m. I got out of bed to turn on the light, and in so doing, I knocked over a few items on our dresser. It had been so dark in our our room that I couldn't find my way. Would it always be dark? No. Within 4 hours it would be daytime and all would be illuminated with the beams of the morning sun. I fully expected the change. I had every reason to see the glow coming up from the horizon. The fact that it happened to be dark at the time did not worry me.
I've been praying recently about some things that are very dear to my heart. Some of my concerns seem so far from being resolved. As I was experiencing a moment of discouragement this evening, my thoughts were drawn to the fact that a very important aspect of my prayers were being answered. I could readily see the hand of God working in a certain situation that has been on my heart for years. Instead of thanking God for what He had been doing, I had been distracted by the weight of the moment. He is at work in the lives of His children. Although I cannot predict how He will work in any given issue, I know that the darkness of discouragement will be replaced by the dawn of His plan for my life.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
His Way
A man named Phillips Brooks once said, "Prayer is not conquering God's reluctance, but taking hold of God's willingness." I have had this quote written in the front of my Bible for some time now. When I pray about a matter, I know that my understanding is limited; I see only the solutions of a mere human. God isn't reluctant to answer my petitions; He desires what is best for me. Suppose that, when my own children were toddlers, one of them spotted a bottle of children's aspirin at the top of the refrigerator. Thinking the pale orange tablets were candy, they asked to have them. Upon finding the answer to be, "no," they kicked, screamed and cried. I would have been very sorry that they were suffering so from their inability to see the danger, yet nothing in the world would have made me "give in" to their pleas and hand them the opened bottle. Why? Because I would have known what they did not--that what appeared to be a treat would actually bring death. The love I had for my child would have exceeded any need I might have had for their approval. I must trust that God's ways are higher than my own. His love for me is beyond my comprehension.
Friday, February 01, 2008
The Lampstand
I almost didn't go. I had plans to be there, but I wasn't feeling well. At the last opportunity to back out, I decided to forge ahead and attend. We never know what God has in store for us or for someone else, for that matter. On the way home, I thought of how God had granted me, only hours before, an opportunity to share about His presence in my life to another person. I was so glad that I hadn't stayed home. I want to be encouraging to others whenever God brings them into my path, reflecting the light of His love for all to see.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Press Toward the Goal
What does it really mean to press toward the goal? Three of our sons have been on track teams at school. For a spectator that cares about the well being of the atheletes, I personally feel that track meets are harder to view than many other sports. Round and round the contestants push themselves to their limits, one lap after another until a winner is declared or their physical strength is depleated to the point of collapse on the course. There are runners who seem to be good "pacers." They faithfully take each curve with determination and with focus on their stride. To press on in the daily walk with God requires submission to His will and a clear view of the finish line. No one begins a race without the desire to finish, and to finish well. He gives us the motivation and encouragement we need at the times we require it most in order to urge us on toward the prize that awaits us when we finally pass from this earthly race into our eternal existance with God.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Be Transformed
There was a time that I had never heard of it. I had not seen or imagined such a thing before. Yet, there it was, in plain view. After inquiring about this strange, yet lovely tree, I had my answer. It's the Bottle Brush Tree. Of course! Each bright red "brush" was adorning the green limbs it had bloomed from, ever so delicately. If I had seen the tree before it had bloomed, I would not have thought that such radiant bristles would have emerged from its branches, transforming its common visage into a thing of remarkable beauty.
When others see our day to day actions, do we appear to be ordinary, usual and plain? Or do they see in us the result of a transformation so unique because of the love of Christ dwelling in our hearts that they are compelled to ask us about it?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
His Love Endures
It was a perfect day. Sunny? No. Warm? No. The sky was gray with clouds. Light rain had been falling. At about 60 degrees, I needed a jacket and it had to be zipped. Walking through the park I was graced with one beautiful scene after another. With every photo I took I think my heart smiled. The flowers were in bloom with bursts of color--a gift from God to me and others who viewed them. I am thankful for His enduring love.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Still, Small Voice
It's a little hard to explain. At times, when I am praying, it's as if the answer to the thought I am forming comes to me at the same time my question was created. The heavenly reply seems simultaneous to my inquiry. Often I am startled by the sudden communication. I am reminded of God's love at those moments and of His divine direction and encouragement.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Kingdom of Heaven
I've been listening to a song a lot lately. It is "We Speak to Nations." A section of the lyrics states, "We speak to nations, the kingdom is coming near to you, we speak to you, be free." God is reaching out to people all over the world. Millions are caught in the strongholds of Satan, miserable and hopeless. God's message of love through Jesus invites us---"Be free!"
Monday, January 21, 2008
My Rebellious Ways
Do you ever have struggles with feelings of guilt over past failures? Just today I had a memory pop up that was not very pleasing. My actions had not been godly; though it was a long time ago, I remembered that time in my life clearly. Did God forgive me of my sin? Yes. Did Jesus die so that I would be cleansed of all unrighteousness? Yes. Then how is it that I still get a sick and shameful feeling inside when I remember mistakes and attitudes of the past? I know I must agree with God that He has forgiven my failures and will remember them no more.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Path of Life
When traveling, I am not good with directions. This is especially true if I have never been to a certain area. When we first moved to our home years ago, I had trouble remembering which way to turn out on to the highway in order to get to my destination. Shortly after our move, I wasted a good bit of time driving around searching for the building I was to have an appointment in. It can be very frustrating to be lost---to be aware that you don't know how to get to where you need to go. Doubly frustrating when you gain the courage to ask for help, only to hear the words, "Sorry, ma'am, I can't tell you how to get there."
I am very thankful that there was a time when I realized that I was lost. I am also very thankful that through the Bible and the testimony of others' faith in God, I recognized the right path of life through Jesus Christ.
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