Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Harvest

Jesus said, "Already he who reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life eternal; that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together."

published: 12:33 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Sun and Shield

When I arrived at work yesterday morning, the fog was thick. As I was parking the car, I could see the sun through the blanket of mist that was suspended above the trees. When I consider the sun, I think of light--powerful light. When thinking of a shield, thoughts of covering and protection come to mind. The sun is a life sustaining force. Without it, we could not exist. In the spiritual battles of our lives, we are not left unguarded. It is the power of God that grants us life, and it is His shield that surrounds us, keeping watch over our very souls.

published: 10:09 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Harvest of Righteousness

Soft answers. Kind words. A forgiving heart. The gentle example of love we show to others is pleasing to God, yeilding a future harvest more bountiful than we could ever imagine in the lives of those we have touched.

published: 04:53 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fragile Confidence

Who or what am I trusting in for eternal life? How would your friends answer this question? The most elaborate plan fashioned by the minds of men, apart from the truth of God's word, will not be sufficient at the moment we find ourselves standing before God.

published: 11:39 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Spirit of Timidity

There he stood. So still, even on such a windy day. As I approached, there was no movement on his part. Only an awareness of my presence and a resolve to remain firmly at his chosen vantage point. Looking at him now, he shows no sign of timidity; head held high, he made the decision to stay. As I carefully acquired his visage on my camera, I was mindful of every step I took. Excitement mounted within me as I realized the opportunity to capture such graceful beauty with my lens.

published: 06:37 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And Darkness Fell

Darkness falling in the middle of the day. What fear must have filled the hearts of so many at that time. Would I have been afraid? Would I have understood that the veil being torn by God Himself would signify the privilege of the believer to come before Him without a mediator?

published: 09:48 | 6 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Repenting with Sorrow

Sometimes I need to get away by myself and quietly seek direction from God. The realization of failure, the willingness to try again----both need to be reconciled with God's will.

published: 09:00 | 5 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Not Ashamed

"Can I take a survey?" he began without any prior warning for his next question. "Who all in here is scared to die?" I was shocked by his transparent emotion. Not being in a religious setting of any kind, I was unprepared for his spontaneous interest in the views of others around him. Many were quick to relay their fears as well. I was brought face to face at that moment with the reminder that there are those who live each day without any assurance of salvation. God's plan of reconciliation is deposited within me in order that I may share this knowledge with others. I pray that I would have the boldness to speak out to those who do not know Christ.

published: 03:06 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, December 08, 2007

In the Presence of God

What will it be like to finally be in the presence of the Lord? We will be gloriously transformed. Every thought will be aligned with Christ, with no temptation to beset us. The miraculous mystery of love that abounds to us will be realized. We will all be changed.

published: 02:44 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, December 08, 2007

I Forgive You

"I forgive you." Such sweet words to hear when we have uttered hurtful comments, made a careless mistake or embraced a destructive attitude. When we are truly repentant, forgiveness from someone we love is priceless as it brings instant relief from the turmoil of guilt that so mercilessly grips us deep inside. Greater still is the comfort that is felt when it is God who reaches into the depths of our soul and washes away all transgression.

published: 10:09 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

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