Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Beasts of the Fields

The beasts of the fields. Do they worry? They seek sustenance and shelter. When they find it, who is the provider? God knows the needs of every living thing on earth. He is ready and able to care for every one. Today, I would do well to remind myself that no matter the circumstance, God is my strength and my very life.

published: 05:42 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Valley of the Shadow

It was as if you could see the walls going up to Heaven. How glorious the clouds and the sun were that day! I tend to think that the beauty we experience in the sky is just a glimpse of the radiant majesty that we will behold for eternity with God. We are now living in the shadow cast by a fallen world, yet, He is with us.

published: 09:56 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Restore the Land

Restoration. I have been thinking a lot lately about God's ability to restore in our lives what has been lost through sin. Not just on the day of our own personal salvation, but later in our journey when precious aspects of day to day living have fallen prey to the enemy and his schemes. As I was walking one day, the steps I took on dry, barren ground led to a place of lush, green foliage. The contrast is evident. At times, my life has resembled the parched ground. How thankful I am to hear God beckoning to me---"Come out; be free!"

published: 07:36 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wonderfully Made

I recently visited my doctor's office for a yearly check up. As part of the routine, a small sample of blood was used to determine my overall health. Within a matter of days, I was given a report of several statistics declaring my internal well being in many areas. Although a common procedure, it speaks of the vast greatness of our God, as science continually reveals new knowledge of our bodies, our surroundings and the universe itself. The works of God are wonderful.

published: 09:00 | 5 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thorns and Snares

The area where I live is home to many thorns. Just a touch can cause quite a bit of pain. Often, they get caught on clothing and go unnoticed as they go right in the wash cycle. Somewhere in the deep recesses of the dryer, they attach themselves to other articles in their midst--like towels, for instance. I have reached for a clean, fresh towel in order to dry my face, only to discover something harsh, rough and painful among the soft fibers. As I investigate, there it is--the ball of thorns, hiding from my unsuspecting skin. Many times I have been tempted to take the path in life that was filled with thorns and snares.The continual question is, when I feel the first painful "prick" will I stop and heed God's warning?

published: 10:31 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Morning Prayer

I am not a "morning" person. However, morning comes to me, just the same. When my day begins, I do not know what it will bring. I do know that God will be with me, whatever may come. He is my helper. He is my strength.

published: 07:53 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Love and Faithfulness

Sometimes I don't feel very loving. Sometimes I don't feel like a good and faithful servant, either. Sometimes I feel tired and I find myself wanting to step away from the emotional din and noise of everyday life. I long to rest. After God has granted me sleep and comfort, my strength is renewed as I find the assurance of His love and faithfulness still inscribed on my heart.

published: 10:10 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, January 11, 2008

Serve Him Only

Luke 4: 5,6 and 7 says, "The devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to Him, "I will give You all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me and I can give it to anyone I want to. So, if You worship me, it will all be Yours." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'"

published: 08:27 | 1 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Unsearchable Things

Recently, I have been asking God for wisdom and guidance. There are two definite aspects of my life that I feel are at a crossroads. I am standing still, pondering which path to take. Many have joined me in prayer about my concerns. As I wait for a clearer direction, I am gaining perspective in areas that I had not even considered. I am calling to God; He is answering. He is teaching me in the way of His choosing and in His time.

published: 10:36 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, January 07, 2008

Coming on the Clouds

When Jesus comes back. What a great and glorious day that will be. Are you ready to meet Him?

published: 10:00 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

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