Thursday, April 24, 2008

Arise, Shine!

It's the day after Christmas. Another season is gone and I am quietly expectant for the future. Because of His great love, God gave me a new life through His Son, Jesus, several years ago at this time of year. My desire is to share that love with others, for His light has come into my heart.

published: 09:09 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Opening Their Treasures

Exactly what were the wise men doing when they came to see Jesus? They had come expecting to find Him. They prepared themselves beforehand to meet Him. When the moment came, they fell down and worshiped Him. They opened their treasures and presented them to Him as gifts. They were kings; they gave the best they had to offer. Where did they attain their riches? Who appointed them royalty? They were face to face with the author of existance, bowing before the One who had granted them all things. Their response was to give back some of the treasure they had been given and to offer their worship with sincere hearts. What treasure has God given me? Tonight, I am asking myself these questions. Do I willingly set the talents He has given me before Him in worship and allow Him to use me as His instrument to minister to others?

published: 07:38 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, December 24, 2007

Glory to God

"The GLORY of the Lord," " the King of GLORY," "the earth is full of His GLORY," " the power and the GLORY, " "the GLORY of the Lord shone," " GLORY to God in the highest, " "give GLORY to God," " the gospel of the GLORY of Christ...." The Bible has many references to glory. What does glory mean? Honor and splendor. It was a multitude of heavenly host that was praising God the night Jesus came to earth. They proclaimed His glory and pronounced "peace among men on whom He is pleased." The world was filled with sin and rebellion, yet God was pleased with men? Surely, when we were without hope, a people lost in disobedience, the glorious God , to whom all honor and splendor is due, was pleased to love us as He sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us in peace without condemnation.

published: 11:24 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Where Is He?

A card is affixed to a piece of furniture in my bedroom. It says, "Where are you going to see God today?" It is a reminder that He is working all around me. Will I choose to take the time to notice? Will I ask myself, "Where is He?" The wise men were paying attention. They were familiar with prophecy, and they had faith to believe. Am I familiar with the Bible? Do I have the faith to believe?

published: 01:00 | 6 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Friday, December 21, 2007

God With Us

"God with us." I have heard this statement many times. This evening, the opposite thought came to mind: "God without us." He so loved the people of this world that He sent His Son to redeem us from our certain fate. God did not want to be without us for eternity. His desire was to forgive; to purchase back that which had been lost to sin.

published: 08:42 | 3 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A New House

I am currently reading a very interesting book. One particular passage speaks of how what we see in existance begins in the minds of those who desire their creation. A building is constructed only after the dream of the architect is realized on paper. The marriage covenant is pronounced only after love and commitment have grown in the hearts of the two being wed. We have a promise from God. It is already in existance in His mind. When our earthly bodies become worn or damaged beyond repair, we will be given a heavenly body, one that God desires to create for us, realized the moment we are transported from our current realm into the everlasting presence of our Heavenly Father.

published: 09:10 | 5 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


What will it be like? At the moment that Christ returns, there will be rejoicing on the part of the Christian. But what of those who never acknowleged Him as Savior? What if Christ had returned the day BEFORE I realized I needed His salvation? I am thankful that I did not miss the opportunity to choose life. Do you know for certain where you will be spending eternity?

published: 10:29 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Plans of My Heart

While listening to the radio on my way to work this morning, I cried. The words I was hearing so beautifully sung were piercing. What does it really mean to want to please God? The words that so broke my heart were, "But I offer all I am for the mercy of Your plan. Help me be strong." Am I offering all that I am? Am I willing to live out the plan God has for me? I pray that God would help me be strong.

published: 05:54 | 4 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Monday, December 17, 2007

God Is My Helper

Sometimes life seems complicated. Decisions appear just outside of my grasp. Uncertainty becomes an unwelcome companion to every thought. Yet, as I seek to understand His will for my life, God redirects my thinking toward His provision and away from my insufficiencies.

published: 10:05 | 2 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Number Our Days

Through the years I have enjoyed looking at coins. Far away dates inscribed on certain coins compelled me to save them. It's as if I could somehow connect to the past by holding something still in existance from that time. We use coins everyday. New ones from this year, old ones from another. Small reminders that time is indeed passing, relentlessly leaving a record of how we spent it in it's wake. Will I spend my hours investing what God has given me in a way that is pleasing to Him?

published: 08:35 | 0 comment(s) | Photos with Christian thoughts by Myra Johnson | permalink | edit

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