Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Kingdom
The Kingdom of God. It's not identified by a lofty castle on a far mountaintop. It's not maintained by earthly wealth. In one definition I found, the Kingdom of God is "used to describe God's rule over the world through His power and the exercise of it."
In Luke, chapter 12, Jesus tells the disciples not to worry about their lives, what they will eat or what they will wear. He explains that their Father knows what their needs are. In verses 31 and 32 He says, "But seek his Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."
What do we really need? Food? Clothes? A healed relationship? A job? Our Heavenly Father knows about every need. As we seek after God first in our lives, He is able to provide for us, in His wisdom and in His timing. We are not to be afraid.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Good Man
It was a quiet afternoon. The dirt road not long from our house is seldom busy. I walked along the edge, curious about what I might find. My eyes fell on a plant unknown to me; upon closer inspection, I could see that dark, dry, wrinkled pods had broken open, exposing blazing red berries to the warm sunlight. How colorful they were! Perfectly formed from such an unlikely--and yes, unlovely, pod.
What makes us beautiful? Advertisements proclaim a beauty found in make up or fine clothing. Theatres boast of the movie stars with their glamour and poise. But do any of these things really make us beautiful?
Some of the most beautiful people I know are surely never to be featured on a popular magazine cover. Hair products will not be endorsed with their names. Dolls will not be mass produced in their likeness. If they are truly beautiful, then why not?
It's a matter of perspective. How does God see us? Does He look at the tired countenance of a loving grandfather and focus on the wrinkled brow and silver hair? Does He view our imperfections and pass us by in favor of others more fortunate?
When God sees us, He sees our hearts. He sees the beauty of the ransomed berry within the dark and wrinkled pod. He knows the plans He has for us and His will for us to grow closer to Him. He sees us as we grow, storing up the likeness of Christ as we follow Him daily. Those who are looking closely may see the beauty of God and His work in us overflowing from deep within. We are his beautiful and beloved children, purchased by the willing sacrifice of His Son on the cross.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I don't like to think of war. I'd rather think of the eternal peace that will continue forever after the return of Jesus. However, there are many references to war and to warriors in the Bible. What would it have been like to have marched mile after mile, preparing to confront the enemy with swords or perhaps, arrows? A soldier might be skilled enough to grasp his bow throughout many battles; gripping the bow would be futile, however, if it weren't for the quiver of arrows to accompany it. From a very basic point of view, the arrows made the possibility of victory complete; They provided protection in the hour of attack, rendering their archer less vulnerable to the unknown. As Christians, above all else, we know the "battles" of this world belong to the Lord. He is our mighty Protector.
The Bible tells us that children are like arrows to a parent. They are a gift from God. With our sons and daughters to come along side us in our walk with the Lord, do we feel God's protection through the loving care of our children in an hour of spiritual attack? Do we feel less vulnerable to confusion when we realize a clear direction in life as stewards of His precious gifts to us?
I will be forever grateful to God for blessing my life with children. He has given me much.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Fine Pearls
Yesterday was an important day for me. God had planned it to be that way, far in advance--however, it was a special surprise to me. It was only the evening before when I accepted an invitation to attend a local women's conference. Torn between feeling the urgency of accomplishing mundane house cleaning or spending twelve hours concentrating on my relationship with God, I chose to forego my domestic responsibilities.
To even think, in retrospect, of what I would have missed had I stayed home is a sobering thought. God's presence was evident at this gathering of precious women from various walks of life. Broken hearts were touched by the healing hand of the Heavenly Father. A sense of unity abounded through every session I had the privilege of taking part in. After a moving drama depicting a young girl's fascination with a string of pearls, we were faced with the question, "What do you consider your most treasured possessions?"
It was a beautiful day of drawing closer to my Savior and listening for His direction in my life. I am grateful for this special gift from God of time away, of singing His praises and communing with Him in prayer. I could've traded it for a stack of washed dishes and slightly cleaner floors. How glad I am to have chosen the gift instead!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Do you remember growing up hearing "old sayings" from the mouths of family members? I do. Sometimes they were less than complimentary, like this one: "He doesn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain."
I don't usually stand out in the open during a rainstorm. I know where to find shelter and I go there. I've experienced storms before and I've learned to take precautions against harmful things like lightning or high winds.
So what do I do when spiritual storms come my way? I know what I SHOULD do; take precautions against harmful things like temptation and discouragement by seeking the shelter of God and His word. Instead, guess what happens occasionally? There I am, standing out in the storm with my shelter a stone's throw away. Wet and cold, I realize my mistake.
Oh, to be wise enough to see the dark clouds of spiritual turbulance in the distance and think, "The wind's really picking up...I think I'd better go inside now, where it's safe."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Mind of the Lord
In my life, there is a situation that I would like to be different. Exactly how different, I don't know. It's as if life is slightly out of focus, and I am yearning for the clear, sharp image. I have felt a longing for this change for well over a year. The desire of my heart in this issue comes back into view over and over. It follows me at every turn.
This morning, I was thinking about my current circumstance. I began to think of Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt. He was thrown into prison unjustly. I'm certainly not incarcerated, so what could I learn from his example? I doubt that Joseph WANTED to be in prison. He made the best of it, remaining a man of integrity, seeking God's wisdom. It would seem that God was training him for what was ahead. At just the appropriate time, Joseph's life was transformed.
What am I waiting for? I don't know. I must trust that God--who knows all things--will be faithful to prepare me and sustain me as He marks the path for me to follow. I may not understand my present circumstances, yet I need to accept the "training" that will yield understanding in the days to come.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Psalm 139:7-12 says, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, 'Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,' even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.'"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
His Purpose
God has blessed me with children. Although our youngest is now a teenager, I still remember their younger days. It doesn't matter if the big guy with a beard and strong arms looks like just any man to you. I knew him when he was a baby....and that changes my perspective.
With our finite minds, we can only comprehend so much. Yet, even we can remember events from decades past with clarity and strong emotion. What does God see when He looks at us? Because He possesses infinite knowledge and wisdom, I can't imagine all the possibilities. There is one analogy that I feel gives a hint of only one aspect, however.
As I look at our sons, I view them with a collective understanding of all they have been through---their struggles, their successes. I have seen their pain and their joy. But not only that; I envision what I see them becoming: strong, sensitive adults with obedient hearts toward their heavenly Father. When they were small, I would think of what they would become as young men. That day has arrived, in God's timing and in His way.
So what did God see when He looked at the little girl who loved puppies and caught unsuspecting toads in the yard with her bare hands? When He looks at me now, does He see the woman I am to become in the future through His grace and loving guidance in this world?
Psalm 138:8 tells us that God will fulfill His purpose for us. It is comforting to know that as I lovingly consider my children in terms of their past, present and future, God is doing the same for me.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Three Strands
I can remember as a child I sometimes felt very alone. It didn't matter if I was truly alone or not. I felt alone sometimes even among a crowd of other children. I can recall a very large, old tree on the campus of my elementary school. Its roots stretched out from its trunk, forming huge "arms" in all directions at ground level. Feeling comforted by the bark covered wood on either side of me, I would sit between two of these "arms" as I waited for the bell to ring, ushering students inside the building.
We all have memories of our childhood that come back to us from time to time. Why did I choose to sit between the over grown roots of a tree that had stood for decades in front of my school? I think it might have been because I sensed a feeling of security or protection as I sat there. I probably felt less vulnerable and perhaps more able to process my thoughts before beginning an academic day of challenge.
Being "all grown up" now, some things have changed. I don't frequently sit on the ground by a tree anymore. I am no longer a little girl. Some things have remained the same, however. Sometimes, I still feel alone. Sometimes I feel vulnerable and I need to feel a sense of security and protection in order to process my thoughts.
The friends that God has blessed me with have, in some ways, taken the place of that old tree. I know that He has blessed me with the support of others who strengthen me along the way. It's as if we become a woven cord, stronger when it is stretched because of the distribution of the load.
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